Welcome to the public consultation website for the proposed development known as Grimsby West. This website provides information about the site, the plans for development, and an opportunity to share your thoughts on the proposals.
Learn about the site, including the existing constraints and opportunities that have influenced the proposals.
Find out about our plans for the development, including the enhancement of the River Freshney Corridor.
Meet the Developers
Harworth Group
Harworth Group plc is one of the leading land and property regeneration companies in the UK, owning and managing approximately 14,000 acres across around 100 sites in the North of England and the Midlands. They create sustainable places for people to live and work, delivering thousands of new jobs and homes in the regions.
M.F. Stawson Ltd
MF Strawson Ltd is a family owned property development and land management business. The company specialises in both commercial and residential property development. The company concentrates its activities in the East Midlands area and has completed a number of schemes in North East Lincolnshire.
"Our vision for Grimsby West is to harness the site’s sustainable location, ensuring future proposals will protect and enhance existing local services to ensure social, physical and green infrastructure is adequately provided to meet the needs of people and business.
High quality design will create a series of three unique residential neighbourhood that will draw upon existing landscape features, and utilise views of local heritage assets to enhance the area’s distinctive character and create a genuine sense of place.”

7: Transport
Creating a masterplan that prioritises access for all, in particular elderly, young and disabled populations through sustainable transport modes, including walking and cycling through utilising principles of walkable neighbourhoods and the provision of high-quality infrastructure, reducing the need to travel.
8: Local Facilities
Creation of two new local centres to service the day-to-day needs of the development. High levels of access and a complementary mix of uses, including school provision, will encourage multi-purpose trips, promote walking and cycling, whilst the addition of passing trade will together ensure vibrant and viable commercial centres.
9: Built and Historic Environment
Creating a high-quality of built and historic environment by applying principles of sustainable and inclusive design, promoting safe and secure accessible streets and places and recognising the importance of supporting and strengthening local and historical character and distinctiveness.
Development Objectives
To ensure the masterplan meets the aspiration of this vision, nine development objectives, derived from the Strategic Objectives set out within North East Lincolnshire Local Plan, have been established to lead the design and development process:
1: Population
To provide a high quality, deliverable and viable masterplan for approximately 3,500 homes that meets population and housing need, delivering a mix of housing and local facilities for a wide range of people.
2: Climate Change
To deliver a sustainable masterplan that addresses both the cause and effects of climate change through the creation of diverse ecological and recreational green infrastructure, energy efficient housing and neighbourhood centres that prioritise easy access by active travel modes, robust development that is able to adapt over the lifetime of the neighbourhood, whilst minimising impacts of energy production, flood risk, extreme weather conditions, poor air quality and waste production.
3: Economy
To deliver a masterplan that considers employment opportunities as an integral part of the design, embracing opportunities for emerging work trends and patterns, including home working and shared workspace as part of the design of vibrant local centres.
4: Housing
Delivery of high quality, locally distinctive market and affordable housing to address the needs of an ageing population. The masterplan will utilise technological advances, partnerships with social housing providers, extra care and sheltered accommodation as well as innovative housing models to help foster a sense of community spirit.
5: Social and Health Inequalities
Creating a masterplan that promotes healthy lifestyles, positive well-being and tackles social isolation through accessible high quality public spaces, healthcare, sports and recreation provision, whilst minimising the negative impact of vehicles, air pollution and noise through a reduction in traffic speeds and encouraging more active travel.
6: Natural Environment
Creating a masterplan that safeguards and enhances the quality of natural environment, through a landscape and heritage and placemaking approach to the design, that includes at least a 10% uplift in biodiversity net gain (BNG).