Previous Consultation
Previous consultation regarding the Grimsby West Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) was undertaken in 2022. Since then, the team has been working on a Masterplan to deliver the proposed development. This site is an identified Strategic Housing Allocation in the adopted Local Plan, and will deliver strong economic, social, and environmental benefits to the area. The emerging Masterplan identifies the parameters of the proposed development, with a mix of residential development, community uses, and infrastructure including a new school, public open space, and transport infrastructure.
Images from previous consultation website
​The Council is currently undertaking a Local Plan Review of the Adopted Local Plan. The latest consultation by the Council was conducted in March 2024. This consultation identified that the Council intend to agree a local housing requirement of 415 homes per annum, to be delivered during the remainder of the plan period.
The Council have identified a preference for an Option that includes maintaining Grimsby West as a Strategic Allocation, as these proposals will provide a major contribution to new housing and infrastructure in Grimsby.
The Grimsby West site is allocated in the North East Lincolnshire District Council Adopted Local Plan as a Strategic Housing Site (HOU342). This Local Plan covers a period from 2013 – 2032 and has a housing requirement of 512 new homes per year (at least 9,742 homes).